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Litter and Our Local Area (P3A)

What a busy week we have had in P3A!

In Numeracy we have been learning to multiply by 3 and 4. We have been recalling our multiplication facts and we have been using our times-tables knowledge to solve missing number sums. We have also created our own board games using our multiplication facts and we have made multiplication flowers. Some of us have been learning to multiply multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and some of us have been learning to multiply 2-digit numbers by a single digit.

This week we have also been learning to estimate and measure using centimetres. We estimated the lengths of different objects and then measured their lengths using a ruler. We also drew lines of different lengths. Some of us were estimating and measuring using half centimetres too.

Last week we came in to our classroom and it was covered in litter! In Literacy, we learned to talk about our opinions about litter. We looked at different photos of litter and we discussed how the photos made us feel. This week, we wrote persuasive writing pieces on littering. We looked at examples of persuasive writing and highlighted words used to influence the reader. We also looked at using a title to grab the reader’s attention and how to use sentence openers to state our opinions. Using our notes, we wrote persuasive pieces of writing about litter.

In French we are now learning to name clothes and accessories. We watched a programme on High Five French about clothes, played games on our Promethean board and then in pairs, drew pictures of people and labelled their clothes using French vocabulary.

This week we have been learning about our local area. On Tuesday afternoon we worked in groups to make maps of Linlithgow. On our maps we included our school, Play Bugs, Linlithgow Leisure Centre, the train station and Linlithgow Palace. Afterwards, we helped EaRL (a programming robot) to navigate around Linlithgow by giving him a set of instructions. Sometimes EaRL got a bit lost so we had to evaluate our instructions, fix the problem and suggest improvements. We really enjoyed using EaRL and we have already been showing some Primary 1 and Primary 2 children how to use EaRL in our Primary 3 Play Leader time.

This week we also looked at leisure facilities in Linlithgow. Miss Harrison explained to us that a family were wanting to move to Linlithgow but they wanted to find out what there was to do in Linlithgow before making a final decision. We named places of interest in Linlithgow and then we worked in groups to create PowerPoints about leisure facilities and things to do in Linlithgow. We shared our presentations with another group.

In Health this week we explored transition and change. We listened to a story called ‘Silly Billy’ and we discussed his worries. Some of us had said to Miss Harrison that we were a bit worried about moving on to Primary 4 so we completed an activity where we looked at what would stay the same and what would change in Primary 4. Afterwards, we discussed our feelings about moving into Primary 4 and what we could do if we were feeling worried.

In Art this week we looked at representing objects by creating detailed images, shapes and lines. We looked at photographs of Linlithgow High Street and we discussed the shapes and lines that we could see in the buildings. We used paper tearing to create our buildings and then we used different lines to add detail and effects. We were really pleased with our results.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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