The children have been busy this week, showing off their skills to our visitors. In Maths, we have been learning how to find out information and record it both in pictograms and bar charts. This will be ongoing next week as well. We need to think carefully about our questions, so that we get the correct information.

In Literacy we have been writing a character description. Myrtle, the character in our class novel “Fing” was chosen, as we know a lot about her.  We thought of many WOW words to describe her, both her personality and her appearance. There were some great descriptions. We are practicing writing character and setting descriptions in preparation for writing a story in the coming weeks. Our spellings have been adding “ing” and another group have been doing consonant blends of “br,cr” etc.  Reading has mostly been poetry and we’ve looked at rhyming words, WOW words and how we could write a new verse for a poem. Some fantastic results.

We also had great fun with alliteration and enjoyed saying some of the tongue twisters. Hoping to see some alliteration in the writing now.

We started Houses and Homes this week and began by looking at the different types of houses and their suitability for different people. We began to design different houses and there are some brilliant ideas so far. G.M designed a tepe – brilliant!

Hope that you are all having a good weekend and looking forward to a quieter week this week.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

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