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P1B - Week ending 14th June

In Literacy this week we have been working on rhyme.  We read the Julia Donaldson story, Room on the Broom, and had fun filling in missing rhyming words in the story.  We worked together to find matching pairs of rhyming words and choose some of these pairs to write some super sentences.

We were very lucky to have a visit from the author Alan Windrum who came in to share two of his story books with us  – One Button Benny and A Puppy’s Tale.   We had great fun joining in with the story and also sang some songs accompanied by Alan too.

In Numeracy we have been learning how to write numbers up to 20 in words.  We have also continued to practise counting up and down in 2s.  We found some of the number words a bit tricky to read at first but we are beginning to recognise some of these and know that with practise we will get to know all of them.

In PE we had our final Gymnastics lesson with Mrs Harris.  We had to chance to practise all of the techniques we have learned over the past few weeks and had the opportunity to climb the wall bars and also showed our upper body strength as we climbed between the bars.

As part of our Community focus we learned about the environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy.  Inspired by his work, we went outside to find natural resources and, in small groups, we made some super pictures with the things we had found.

We were very lucky that the weather was just about kind enough for us to have Sports Day on Wednesday and Mrs Reid was very impressed with the resilience shown by everyone as, despite the wet and cold, everyone tried their very best to complete the potted sports stations and then run in the class races.  Mrs Reid was ‘delighted’ to get the chance to show the children that it’s the ‘taking part that counts’ when she entered the teachers race!

We enjoyed our second session with our specialist from the National Youth Choir of Scotland.  We successfully kept the beat to a variety of different types of music and used our listening skills to identify where sounds were coming from.  We came up with ‘loud’ and ‘quiet’ actions and had great fun using the actions within songs.

We have been busy making something special for Father’s Day too.  The children were excited to tell Mrs Reid the reasons they loved their daddies.  We hope you like our work!

Have a lovely weekend.  We can’t believe there are only 2 weeks of Primary 1 left!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

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