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We've had an action packed couple of weeks in school and nursery culminating in an excellent assembly led by P1B and Mrs Reid today. Children told the story of The Hungry Catterpillar and entertained us all. Well done boys and girls! Primary 7 and Primary 6 have both enjoyed fantastic camps to Ford Castle ... Continue reading "This Week's News at SPS and Bonnytoun"


Our children continue to make us extremely proud with another week of successful performances. Mrs Gordon was delighted with her group of P4 and P5 girls who took part in the West Lothian Schools Dance Competition and performed brilliantly! Our P6 and P7 children 'blew us away' with their Scottish Opera performance entitled, 1719. All ... Continue reading "A Week of Performances at SPS and Bonnytoun"


Today we held our next 'Wellbeing Indicator' assembly focused on 'we are achieving.' As you all know, we track each pupil's health and wellbeing on a daily and termly basis at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We have noticed from the data that we gather, that some children have the false perception that they are not ... Continue reading "School and Nursery News from this Week"


It has been a short but busy week here in school and nursery. Today, Mrs Newton and P6A led a very interesting assembly about democracy and The Scottish Parliament. We also found out about some exciting plans for Fairtrade Fortnight which begins next week. Our nursery children started their work on Fairtrade today by ordering ... Continue reading "Weekly News at SPS and Bonnytoun"


Today we held an assembly to mark UNICEF's 'Safe Internet Day.' This term all classes across school undertake a block of work on Internet safety. Today was an introduction to the work that will follow. All children learned about how they should stay safe online and to approach an adult with any worries. We take ... Continue reading "This Week's News in School and Nursery"