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We've had an action packed couple of weeks in school and nursery culminating in an excellent assembly led by P1B and Mrs Reid today. Children told the story of The Hungry Catterpillar and entertained us all. Well done boys and girls! Primary 7 and Primary 6 have both enjoyed fantastic camps to Ford Castle ... Continue reading "This Week's News at SPS and Bonnytoun"


We have come to the end of another busy week of learning at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Our children in school had the chance to take part in a number of STEM workshops led by Generation Science. P6-7 pupils had the chance to attend a Careers' Fayre which was held on Wednesday night and saw ... Continue reading "A Week Full of Learning at SPS and Bonnytoun!"


Today we held our next 'Wellbeing Indicator' assembly focused on 'we are achieving.' As you all know, we track each pupil's health and wellbeing on a daily and termly basis at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We have noticed from the data that we gather, that some children have the false perception that they are not ... Continue reading "School and Nursery News from this Week"


Our annual Scots focus ended today with children from each class presenting their learning at assembly. We listened to information about lots of famous Scots who have changed life for us today because of their inventions or actions. Primary 7 helped us to celebrate Burns Night earlier on this week by organising a fantastic Burns ... Continue reading "A Scottish Week at SPS and Bonnytoun"


We have been busy continuing our Scots focus in school this week. Today, P4/5 held a great assembly about 'New Year' which ended with all children singing a Scots song about a centipede. Thank you to Mr Ritchie for his efforts which saw all children speaking out and performing well. Next week, P7 will be ... Continue reading "This Week's News at SPS and Bonnytoun"


Happy New Year to you all! We have had a lovely, calm and settled start to Term 3 and to the month of January in school and nursery. This week all classes have been reinforcing our school values and this culminated in a 'values assembly' today in school. We talked about the ongoing need to ... Continue reading "Term 3 at SPS and Bonnytoun Begins"