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We've had an action packed couple of weeks in school and nursery culminating in an excellent assembly led by P1B and Mrs Reid today. Children told the story of The Hungry Catterpillar and entertained us all. Well done boys and girls! Primary 7 and Primary 6 have both enjoyed fantastic camps to Ford Castle ... Continue reading "This Week's News at SPS and Bonnytoun"


This week we have been learning to write Limericks. Here some of our work; There once was a boy from Welly, who said "I wish I wasn't smelly. He didn't like his cat, so he replaced with a hat, And said " I love jelly". EM There once was a Minecraft dog, who always ... Continue reading "P4 class"


Literacy We finished and uplevelled our diary entry. FD We spelt our words using sign language. Some people started literacy circles for guided reading. Numeracy Some of us multiplied 3 digit by 2 digit numbers using written method. EM I learnt to do multiplication with 2 digit by 1 digit number. AS We ... Continue reading "P4 CLASS"


A few sporting achievements from this week... -Congratulations to two sisters, E and O for their hard work and success in gymnastics! -We are so proud of F in P5 who gained an award from his football club for showcasing positive values! Well done F! Miss Baillie xx


Its been a wonderful week filled with excitement! In Literacy We learnt to expand sentences in order to add information. We read a poem and discussed what it meant. This week, some children presented their PowerPoint about Ancient Egypt to the class. Some also demonstrated their acting skills by presenting a play about Ancient Egypt. ... Continue reading "P4 Class"


We have come to the end of another busy week of learning at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Our children in school had the chance to take part in a number of STEM workshops led by Generation Science. P6-7 pupils had the chance to attend a Careers' Fayre which was held on Wednesday night and saw ... Continue reading "A Week Full of Learning at SPS and Bonnytoun!"


We were making PowerPoint presentation to show our knowledge of Ancient Egypt. CC We learnt to write instruction on how to mummify a corpse. MC We went to a fencing festival. It was really fun! ED "I loved it!" said LKS. We did a spell off. LS We did times table challenge. SCD We revised ... Continue reading "P4 this week"


The class has been buzzing all week as we immersed the in our ancient Egyptian studies. F created a 3D representation what she learnt about the topic. D had created a life sized Sarcophagus and A shared a stop motion video of the first Egyptians. We explored the history of Hieroglyphics and we wrote our names ... Continue reading "Primary 4"


Our children continue to make us extremely proud with another week of successful performances. Mrs Gordon was delighted with her group of P4 and P5 girls who took part in the West Lothian Schools Dance Competition and performed brilliantly! Our P6 and P7 children 'blew us away' with their Scottish Opera performance entitled, 1719. All ... Continue reading "A Week of Performances at SPS and Bonnytoun"


Today we held our next 'Wellbeing Indicator' assembly focused on 'we are achieving.' As you all know, we track each pupil's health and wellbeing on a daily and termly basis at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We have noticed from the data that we gather, that some children have the false perception that they are not ... Continue reading "School and Nursery News from this Week"


Numeracy This week we used column method of subtraction. We learnt budgeting and we worked out change from £5 and £10- by LKS. DL created budgeting game for all the P4s which they enjoyed. IDL We learnt more about Ancient Egyptian life. We compared the lives of rich and poor. We talked about the ... Continue reading "P4 class"


We have been learning how to write a persuasive piece of writing. We wrote a letter of complaint to a "Travel company" that we used for a week long Ancient Egyptian tour. We have been learning to identify verb, adverbs, nouns and adjectives in a sentence. For French, we have been identifying parts of the ... Continue reading "P4 week"