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The children have been busy researching what their counterparts did in Victorian Times. We found out about the job of a chimney sweep and how dangerous it was. We then drew chimney sweeps and used tissue paper and other materials to create their clothes and the background. Some super work. We then found out what ... Continue reading "Children at work in Victorian Times P2B"


Our new digraphs this week were 'ai' and 'ay'. We learnt that shy 'i' likes to go in the middle around his friends whilst toughy 'y' likes to be at the end of words. We really liked to do the actions for these. We all loved our house treat trip to the park on Wednesday. ... Continue reading "P1a out and about at the park"


We began the week with some grammar, learning about proper nouns. Once we got into the swing of things we came up lots of proper nouns and learned that they ALWAYS begin with a capital letter. Mrs Kennedy will be looking for this in our writing jotters from now on. On Tuesday, we had our ... Continue reading "Camera Obscura in P3B"


All children had the chance to visit Dovecot Park this week, with their class, for our House award. Teachers reported how much fun the children had and how nicely they played together. We are going to try to get children out to the Park more often as we further develop Outdoor Learning. Watch this space ... Continue reading "A Busy Week at Springfield and Bonnytoun"


During PE on Monday we were learning different types of balances used in gymnastics. Once we have learned more we will be putting them to music and creating a routine. On Tuesday we took part in the fifth workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to read notes and ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 4th February 2019"


This week we went to Dovecot Park for a free play! This was a reward as part of our House Points/Springs system. Each term there are different rewards that we can pick from so since each house (Champfleurie, Hopetoun, Ochiltree and Binns) had achieved over 1000 springs, we went to the park! We had a ... Continue reading "Park Play, Friendships and Reading Strategies (P3A)"


This week we finally finished our script for the P6a upcoming assembly. We have all chosen our roles and are busy rehearsing. The live performance will be on Friday 22nd February, starting at 10am sharp. Next week we will be sending information home on Fair Trade Fortnight. This is something that P6 do every year ... Continue reading "Assembly prep and time (or a lack of time!)"


What a fabulous final week I have had with my class. We have been writing with our new digraphs, had a wonderful trip to the park and finished off with a pyjama party. I am going to miss them all so much but I am excited to read the blog and follow their progress for ... Continue reading "A farewell to P1B"


We've had lots of fun in P2A this week! On Monday our P6 Pals came to play games with us. They designed and made the games themselves, we were very impressed. The games had bulbs that lit up when we got the answer correct. We can't wait until we're in P6 and can learn how ... Continue reading "Oodles of noodles in P2A"


We had the best time EVER today with our trip to the park. All of the children enjoyed their treat for collecting so many house points. Here are some pictures to show you what we got up to......


This week we began to find out about The Victorians. We talked about what we already knew and created a mind map of our prior knowledge. We then discussed what we want to find out about the Victorians and wrote some questions down. Our next task was to put certain events and births on a ... Continue reading "The Victorians have arrived in P2B"


This week we helped P1 children with Education City. We showed them how to log onto a netbook, helped them to find the website and type in their usernames and passwords and then helped them to play some games of their choice. Mrs Kennedy was very impressed with how patient we were and how well ... Continue reading "P3B - Time Superstars!"