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What a great start to the holiday weekend! - I'm sure you are extremely proud of your assembly stars today - I couldn't have asked any more of them, they performed in such a professional way, remembered all their lines and where they should be at exactly the right times. We have had many lovely ... Continue reading "P3B - A Force to be Reckoned With!"


We have had another busy week in Primary 5. In maths our focus has been fractions. We have looked at fractions of a number and equivalent fractions. A few of us have begun to explore percentages. Our writing focus this week was informal letter writing, when we wrote a letter to a friend, sharing information ... Continue reading "Primary 5 - w/e 15th February 2019"


The children have been busy researching what their counterparts did in Victorian Times. We found out about the job of a chimney sweep and how dangerous it was. We then drew chimney sweeps and used tissue paper and other materials to create their clothes and the background. Some super work. We then found out what ... Continue reading "Children at work in Victorian Times P2B"


We began the week with some grammar, learning about proper nouns. Once we got into the swing of things we came up lots of proper nouns and learned that they ALWAYS begin with a capital letter. Mrs Kennedy will be looking for this in our writing jotters from now on. On Tuesday, we had our ... Continue reading "Camera Obscura in P3B"


This week we began to find out about The Victorians. We talked about what we already knew and created a mind map of our prior knowledge. We then discussed what we want to find out about the Victorians and wrote some questions down. Our next task was to put certain events and births on a ... Continue reading "The Victorians have arrived in P2B"


This week we helped P1 children with Education City. We showed them how to log onto a netbook, helped them to find the website and type in their usernames and passwords and then helped them to play some games of their choice. Mrs Kennedy was very impressed with how patient we were and how well ... Continue reading "P3B - Time Superstars!"


We are the upper school class of the week this week!! This week we learned a little bit about Charles Rennie MacKintosh. We then recreated a rose on a stained glass window in this style. In maths, some of us were adding money and others were calculating best value for money. We'll continue to explore ... Continue reading "Primary 5 w/e 1st February 2019"


Well we have certainly been busy with our Scottish focus this week. We have been learning about Kirkpatrick MacMillan who invented the bicycle. He rode the first one, made of iron, all the way to Glasgow from his home in Dumfries. What a feat! The children then designed their own bicycles and either used ... Continue reading "A very Scottish week in Primary 2B"


During reading on a Monday, while each group is getting their new book, the others have reading tasks to work on. This week we looked at identifying the main features of a story - the main characters, supporting characters, setting/s, the problem in the story and how the problem was resolved. The children worked in ... Continue reading "Busy, Busy P3B"


We began the week researching Williamina Fleming as part of the whole school 'Famous Scot' focus. I showed the children a picture of Williamina and they discussed their thoughts on her - the date of the photograph? Do her clothes tell us anything? What do you think she was famous for? We then looked at ... Continue reading "Star Gazing, Time and New Library! (P3B)"


This week we started learning about John Logie Baird. My lightbulb moment this week is learning to do division with my 4 times table. KP I now know where to put an apostrophe when the noun ends with an "s". MS I learnt to tell the time using the analogue clock. NJ I didn't know ... Continue reading "P4"


We've had a busy beginning to 2019 in P2B. We began by talking about our Christmas holidays and then writing about what we did. Lots of exciting things and lots of lovely presents. What lucky children we are! New Years Resolutions have also featured in our work this week and we have talked about our ... Continue reading "2019 Begins in P2B"