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A short week in P6a, however we managed to pack lots in. On Wednesday those of that wrote letters to Nicola Sturgeon last term were delighted to receive replies. These answered some of the questions we had asked and we were very pleased to receive them. In literacy we wrote a newspaper article on the ... Continue reading "Awesome Amazing Assembly"


We've had a short, but busy week. In maths we have continued to explore fractions, with some of us beginning to explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and others placing fractions on a numberline. In Science we have begun to learn about micro-organisms. We have been researching facts about Egypt and putting them ... Continue reading "Primary 5 week ending 22/2/19"


We hope everyone had a great holiday! On Wednesday we continued with our Egyptian topic and investigated some of the 2000 gods and goddesses. Everyone in the class selected a god or goddess and created a small fact sheet. In Science we finished our saving water posters and then we looked at a girl who ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 18th February 2019"


This week we have been looking at the differences between school life in Victorian Times compared to nowadays. I think the children have a good understanding of what it was like and that they would prefer to be at school now rather than then. They were particularly fascinated with the Dunce's hat and children ... Continue reading "Victorians at School"


What a great start to the holiday weekend! - I'm sure you are extremely proud of your assembly stars today - I couldn't have asked any more of them, they performed in such a professional way, remembered all their lines and where they should be at exactly the right times. We have had many lovely ... Continue reading "P3B - A Force to be Reckoned With!"


We were looking forward to our holiday weekend today, as P3 led a superb assembly about 'forces.' Thank you Mrs Kennedy for putting on such an informative assembly which was a lovely way to end a busy week. We are very proud of our children's knowledge and abilities in Science at Springfield, thanks to the ... Continue reading "Springfield and Bonnytoun News"


This week we continued our Magic Train Ride journey as part of our transport focus. We had imagined we were on a magic train and we wrote and drew about what we saw. Mrs Gordon and Mrs Reid were really impressed with our descriptions. We also had a lot of fun making tickets and building ... Continue reading "P1's Magic Train Journey and more..."


In Numeracy and Maths this week we have been learning to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number. We have been subtracting the tens and then subtracting the units. Some of us have been learning to subtract single digits and teen numbers bridging a multiple of 10 and some of us have been learning ... Continue reading "Spanish, Prismatic Winds and Computer Game Characters (P3A)"


During PE on Monday we were continuing to learn more about gymnastic balances. On Tuesday we took part in the sixth workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to read notes and also carried on learning about rhythms and beats. We worked really hard during our music lesson that ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 11th February 2019"


We have had another busy week in Primary 5. In maths our focus has been fractions. We have looked at fractions of a number and equivalent fractions. A few of us have begun to explore percentages. Our writing focus this week was informal letter writing, when we wrote a letter to a friend, sharing information ... Continue reading "Primary 5 - w/e 15th February 2019"


RG in P7 recently climbed a small hill in South Ayrshire called Knockdolian. He had challenged himself to climb the equivalent height of Mount Everest over the past 12 months and has finally surpassed the 29,029 feet mark! R has scaled a variety of mountains across Scotland from the Isle of Skye to the Cairngorms ... Continue reading "A Mountain to Climb"


Numeracy and Mathematics This week we have been extending our knowledge of capacity and volume. We started by establishing the difference between the two concepts and found that capacity is the maximum something can hold where as the volume is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies. We can now confidently compare ... Continue reading "P7a Weekly Blog"