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In Numeracy this week, we have been learning to subtract a teen number from a two-digit number, with bridging. When solving 72 - 14, we have been learning to subtract 10 and then subtract 4. Some of us have been learning to use a written method to subtract two-digit numbers, with exchange and some of ... Continue reading "Growing Up and Bear Hunts (P3A)"


Numeracy In subtraction we continued the links to addition by looking again at doubles. We noticed a pattern that each time the answer increased by 2. We even tried to do doubles up to 10+10=20. Some children noticed a pattern that is 2+2=4, In money we had to work out which coins we could ... Continue reading "P1a's weekly journey"


During our 8th NYCOS session we learned a new song called, 'Someone Sitting on a High High Hill'. We really enjoyed it! In our writing this week we focussed on being presentation perfect. This helped us improve our writing by making sure our spelling was correct, that we had remembered punctuation and our writing was ... Continue reading "Primary 4/5 - Week Beg. 11th March"


We all had a great day at New Lanark. The weather forecast was better than expected and the sun even came out. We enjoyed our little ride around the Annie Macleod experience and think we all learnt a lot from that. Then we had Janet talk to us about Victorian toys and we got to ... Continue reading "Our visit to New Lanark and Fractions in P2B"


Our school chess team won the gold award at a chess competition for Linlithgow primary schools today. We are absolutely delighted! Thank you to Mr Clarke and Mr Woodhouse for their support with our Chess Club. Miss Baillie x


On Monday we started working with percentages of amounts. This was tricky, however we all perservered and managed to understand the principles. We also had our 3rd rugby session outside. Next week is our final session and we are hoping that everyone has their outdoor PE kit with them. On Tuesday we created informational posters ... Continue reading "Perfect Performances"


This week in Literacy we were have been learning 'oa' as in coat and 'ow' as in glow. We have found that 'oa' is mainly found in the middle of a word and 'ow' is mainly found at the end. We have also been practising our new tricky words - one and you. In Numeracy ... Continue reading "Primary 1B - w/e 15th March 2019"


We had a fantastic time today, we loved New Lanark! First we played with the toys children would have played with in New Lanark in the Victorian Times. We found them really tricky to master but we were resilient and kept trying. The hoop and stick game was the most popular (Mrs Bell has forgotten ... Continue reading "New Lanark Trip - P2A"


Phew, what a busy week! A big shout out to P3B as they have worked incredibly hard, producing some excellent work and having a lot of fun along the way. At the beginning of the week we were product designers, we had to name and design the wrapper for a new Fairtrade chocolate bar - ... Continue reading "Fairtrade and World Book Day P3B"


Numeracy and Mathematics Our learning this week has progressed from angles to compass points before rounding off the week with coordinates. We have been reading and plotting points in a single quadrant which we discovered is called a Cartesian grid system, based on the theories and work of mathematician René Descartes. It was important to remember ... Continue reading "P7a Weekly Blog"


We held an assembly today to celebrate World Book Day. We talked about the pleasure that can be found in reading and how much we can learn from books. Did you know that reading can be thought of as 'exercise for the brain?' It helps us to make links with what we know and these ... Continue reading "Springfield and Bonnytoun News"


Literacy Our new sounds this week were 'igh' and 'y' which both make the I sound. We learnt that igh is a trigraph and talked about tri meaning 3. We remembered the rule that most times 'igh' goes in the middle of words and y at the end. We need lots of practice though as ... Continue reading "P1a weekly news"