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P6B Rugby, competitions and New Lanark On Monday we did rugby with the Linlithgow rugby club which was our last trial we enjoyed playing matches and sharks and fishes. In maths we were doing money. In health and well-being we were doing living and growing. Last week we did the Scottish opera with the ... Continue reading "P6B Rugby, competitions and New Lanark"


We have been learning all about signs of spring this week in P1a. We went on a spring hunt in our grounds and managed to find everything on our checklist apart from a lamb.... (some people did say they saw a lamb!). We have also been watering our bulbs and they are growing each week. ... Continue reading "Spring has sprung in P1a"


On Monday we had our final rugby session. In a first we managed all 4 sessions in dry weather! A huge thank you to the coaches, Dougie, Ewan and Ellie who made sure we had fun and learned new skills. On Tuesday Caro brought a sound engineer, Andrew, into school and we recorded our song ... Continue reading "Singing, recording and visits- Just your average week in P6a"


In Maths we have been learning about time - analogue and digital, o'clock and half past. We are very good at telling the time! Some of us need to remember to check what number the hour hand has gone past when telling the time half past. Next week we will be working on addition - ... Continue reading "Time, WOW words and lots of Art in P2A"


On Tuesday we had our tenth NYCOS lesson. We learned a new song called "Categories". We had to think of an animal which sounded out two beats otherwise you were knocked out of the game. We continued with our Egyptian topic by learning about the mummification process. We wrote a set of detailed instructions in ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 18th March 2019"


This week we have begun to look at 2D and 3D shapes in maths. Some of us have explored the properties of triangles while others have discovered which shapes will tile. In Science we have begun to explore how bridges are built. We built our own bridges to see whose could hold the most weight. ... Continue reading "Primary 5 - w/e 22nd March 2019"


Literacy: We continue to develop our reading and comprehension skills, focusing on skimming and scanning of a text. This week we read the story of Lily Ebert and her golden pendent, her story was very unique as she and her pendent both survived the Holocaust. After reading her story, we identified the different Parts of ... Continue reading "P7b weekly blog"


This week in Literacy we were have been learning 'oo' and 'ew' as in grew. We have found that 'oo' is mainly found in the middle of a word and 'ew' is mainly found at the end. We have also been practising our new tricky words - her and of. We have been learning about ... Continue reading "Primary 1B - w/e 22nd March 2019"


We have lots of children who won medals at gymnastics last weekend! Well done to you all! We have so many talented children! Miss Baillie x


The class has been buzzing all week as we immersed the in our ancient Egyptian studies. F created a 3D representation what she learnt about the topic. D had created a life sized Sarcophagus and A shared a stop motion video of the first Egyptians. We explored the history of Hieroglyphics and we wrote our names ... Continue reading "Primary 4"


The children took some photographs during one of our PE lessons this week. We were practising our hand-eye co-ordination in our tennis block. Beginning with accurate throwing and catching with a partner, balancing the ball on our rackets, controlling the ball while bouncing it on the racket and then seeing how long rally we could ... Continue reading "P3B Going on a Bear Hunt"


Our children continue to make us extremely proud with another week of successful performances. Mrs Gordon was delighted with her group of P4 and P5 girls who took part in the West Lothian Schools Dance Competition and performed brilliantly! Our P6 and P7 children 'blew us away' with their Scottish Opera performance entitled, 1719. All ... Continue reading "A Week of Performances at SPS and Bonnytoun"