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Another busy week in P1. In literacy our new digraph was "ch" Mrs Gordon was really impressed with how well we could switch between "sh" and "ch" and tell which was needed where. We had great fun singing "Chop, Chop, choppity chop" whilst we peeled and chopped vegetables and made vegetable soup. We all loved ... Continue reading "Chop Chop Choppity Chop in P1"


Literacy We learnt to write a script for our presentation. ED We did handwriting with Mr. Wells. LL We learnt different strategies for reading comprehension. EM Numeracy/ Maths I made a PowerPoint presentation about how to read time (to/past the hour and am/pm). EM We did time duration. MC We learnt how to read ... Continue reading "P4"


This week we have been focusing on fractions of amounts, simplfying fractions and equivalent fractions. We are also working on word problems, multiplication tables and division. In literacy we wrote a chronological report on Robert Owen and the work he did at New Lanark. Next week we will be writing a non chronological report on ... Continue reading "Fabulous Fractions"


On Tuesday we took part in the third workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to perform more new songs, singing skills, rhymes and movement. During ICT we practised our maths skills using SumDog and Education City. We also used a search engine to find interesting facts about Andrew ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 21st January 2019"


This week we had the opportunity to put our handball skills to the test, at the Handball Festival at Linlithgow Academy on Thursday. We played against other schools from Linlithgow and had great fun. In maths we have begun to explore money. We will continue to do this next week too. We have begun to ... Continue reading "Primary 5 w/e 25th January 2019"


We began the week as researchers as part of our focus on Famous Scots. We used the netbooks to find out about the life of Eric Liddell - the famous Scottish runner who won a gold medal at the 1924 Olympics, even though it wasn't the race he had trained for. We took notes and ... Continue reading "The Researchers in P2B"


We have been busy practising our class assembly and feel we are now ready to perform to the whole school and our families. We have made a centipede to dance along to our fabulous song. We hope you will enjoy our performance! On Tuesday we took part in the second workshop provided by NYCOS (National ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 14th January 2019"


We began the week researching Williamina Fleming as part of the whole school 'Famous Scot' focus. I showed the children a picture of Williamina and they discussed their thoughts on her - the date of the photograph? Do her clothes tell us anything? What do you think she was famous for? We then looked at ... Continue reading "Star Gazing, Time and New Library! (P3B)"


We have been busy continuing our Scots focus in school this week. Today, P4/5 held a great assembly about 'New Year' which ended with all children singing a Scots song about a centipede. Thank you to Mr Ritchie for his efforts which saw all children speaking out and performing well. Next week, P7 will be ... Continue reading "This Week's News at SPS and Bonnytoun"


This week we enjoyed our visit to The Peel. We played games, hunted for birds, learned about migration and made bird feeders. When we came back, we wrote a report about our adventures. We started to look at our Famous Scot- this week we researched lots of information about Alexander Graham Bell. In maths, we ... Continue reading "Primary 5 w/e 18th January 2019"


This week we started learning about John Logie Baird. My lightbulb moment this week is learning to do division with my 4 times table. KP I now know where to put an apostrophe when the noun ends with an "s". MS I learnt to tell the time using the analogue clock. NJ I didn't know ... Continue reading "P4"


Monday saw both P6 classes visit the Scottish Parliament. We had a very enjoyable trip and would recommend that everyone goes for a visit if they can- it is free On Tuesday afternoon Caro and Stuart, from the Linlithgow Museum Song Project, came in and we started working on our song. This week we ... Continue reading "Trips, singing and artefacts!"