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In Numeracy and Mathematics this week, we have been learning to subtract a single digit bridging 20 and to subtract a single digit bridging a multiple of 10. For example, when we have been solving subtraction sums such as 72-4, we have started at 72 and then counted back 4. We have also been subtracting ... Continue reading "World Book Day in P3A"


The weather cleared on Monday afternoon and we managed to do our Rugby session outside. It was fun. On Tuesday Roger, from Scottish Opera, came into school for a rehearsal of all the songs. He said we were absolute stars! Wednesday we wrote our autobiographies and then assessed these to make sure we had met ... Continue reading "Fun, Fabulous, Fairtrade Bake Sale"


In Phonics this week some of us have been revising our common words and some of us having been learning the sounds 'aw' and 'au'. We have then done an assessment, which will be used to decide on our next progression of learning. Well done everyone. We have been learning how to recognise sentences that ... Continue reading "P2B -Questions, Number Families and New Lanark"


On Tuesday we had our seventh NYCOS lesson. We were learning a new song called "Mrs White had a fright in the middle of the night". We learned it by playing a game that involved counting the rhythm and hiding an object. We continued with our Egyptian topic by learning how to read and write ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 4th March 2019"


In Literacy we were excited to be learning our first trigraph 'igh' and the grapheme 'y' (as in cry). We discovered that the 'igh' trigraph is mainly found in the middle of words and the 'y' grapheme is mainly found at the end. We agreed that our language can sometimes be a bit tricky to ... Continue reading "Primary 1B - w/e 8th March 2019"


Another busy, fun filled week of learning. Literacy: We have come to the end of our class novel, The boy in the striped pyjamas. Although a sad ending, we have had a lot of meaningful discussions around the different themes of the book, in particular the theme of friendship. Developing our reading and comprehension skills ... Continue reading "P7B weekly update"


Well done to D in P6 who recently played very well at the Lothian Junior Congress Chess tournament. His award was given to recognise his progress and effort. Brilliant news D! We are proud of you! Miss Baillie x


Congratulations to J in P7 who recently achieved success in Tae Kwon Do. He won gold and silver medals in a match that proved particularly challenging. J showed real determination and perseverance and we are so proud that his positive attitude and efforts paid off! Well done J! Miss Baillie x


Well this week we have been looking, talking, creating and identifying the differences in Victorian Toys compared to nowadays. We made Thaumatropes, which Mrs.Burton has struggled to pronounce all week. We tried to make them using string but found that they worked better using plastic straws. The children have brought them home and will give ... Continue reading "Victorian toys and Instructions in P2B"


What a busy week in P7a! Here's what's been going on... Numeracy and Mathematics Our learning this week has allowed us to extend our knowledge of angles. We started on Monday by recapping on our prior knowledge of angle types and identified examples of these in school, the playground and the wider built environment. These ... Continue reading "P7a Weekly Blog"


We are continuing to read The Ice Monster by David Walliams, it is a funny book with lots of very interesting characters. It is quite exciting too, we've had quite a few cliff hangers already. We are also learning a bit about science and Victorian London as we read. On Monday we learned all the ... Continue reading "P3B Breaking News"


Today we held our next 'Wellbeing Indicator' assembly focused on 'we are achieving.' As you all know, we track each pupil's health and wellbeing on a daily and termly basis at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We have noticed from the data that we gather, that some children have the false perception that they are not ... Continue reading "School and Nursery News from this Week"