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Thank you to a number of volunteers in our community and several children in our school who cleaned up the area around the Park recently. We work so hard to prevent litter from blowing in our playground and pick up what we can. We have just ordered special new bins which should hopefully contain litter ... Continue reading "Springfield Clean-Up!"


A variety of learning experiences have been covered in Primary 2B this week. We have been practicing our telling the time skills - working on o'clock and half past the hour then time durations going forward and backwards 1 and 2 hours. We have also begun to work on quarter past and quarter to. Hopefully ... Continue reading "Frog Life Cycles, Time and Hinduism in P2B"


'Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.' Benjamin Franklin Literacy: In Grammar this week we have been learning about Adverbials and Modal verbs. Using our class novel as a focus, we created a possibility line of what could happen next in the novel. We discussed when talking ... Continue reading "P7b Weekly Update"


Literacy We have had a digraph revision week where we went back over all the digraphs we have learnt...we are finding it really tricky when they are all mixed up. Next week we are going to keep revising. One reading group were very confident individuals when they shared their reading book with the class for ... Continue reading "P1a weekly news"


We have had a busy week yet again. As the weather has been good we have been outside for 15 minutes most afternoons doing our 'daily mile'. As well as getting exercise it definitely helps us to concentrate when we get back into the classroom. The whole school are learning about internet safety at the ... Continue reading "P3B Making a Good Impression"


In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been revising our subtraction strategies with bridging and we have been learning to use a written method to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number. Some of us have been revising our mental and written subtraction strategies and some of us have been subtracting three-digit numbers from four-digit ... Continue reading "Internet Safety, Endangered Animals and Pink Peach Trees in P3A!"


On Wednesday we went to Cracking Easter at the Cross House. We took part in eight different activities, each one telling a part of the Easter story. We interacted with other primary sixes from Linlithgow Primary and Lowport. Mr Wells kindly bought us some spheroe minis and ollies which are amazing little robots you can ... Continue reading "P6B's Cracking Week"


Another busy week in P6a, but we have worked really hard over the last 3 months and we are almost at the end of the term Monday we looked at how mood and atmoshere is created in comprehension, we tackled some tricky questions in maths, finished our health and wellbeing lessons and started a ... Continue reading "Almost the end (of term!) for P6a"


Today we held a Wellbeing assembly about 'being responsible'. We talked about the different ways that we take responsibility around school including; looking after our classrooms, corridors and playground and being kind and helpful to younger pupils. We are proud of our pupils and the positive attitudes that they have towards looking after things around ... Continue reading "News from this Week"


This week we have learned lots about mummifying. We wrote instructions about how to mummify a pharaoh and we have mummified apples and tomatoes and are looking forward to seeing what they will look like next week. We have looked at some of the pharaohs from Ancient Egypt and sequenced them using the dates they ... Continue reading "Primary 5 - w/e 29th March 2019"


On Tuesday we had our eleventh NYCOS lesson. We revised some of the games that we had been learning and composed music using the notes, rhythms, pitch and instruments. We continued with our Egyptian topic by learning about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. We finished off all our art work for the Egyptian display in ... Continue reading "P4/5 Week commencing 25th March 2019"


We were making PowerPoint presentation to show our knowledge of Ancient Egypt. CC We learnt to write instruction on how to mummify a corpse. MC We went to a fencing festival. It was really fun! ED "I loved it!" said LKS. We did a spell off. LS We did times table challenge. SCD We revised ... Continue reading "P4 this week"